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Shaw-Ruey Lyu, MD, PhD


Sex: male                                                        
    Chief, Joint Center
    Mandarin, English
Specialty:                                                                                                    AAOS Personal Physician Website

  Orthopedic surgery
  Arthroscopic surgery
  Pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis

  • Doctor of Medical Science (1998-2001)
    Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan
  • AO-International Fellowship (1990)
    University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
    Trauma Hospital “BG-Unfallklinik”, Tubingen, Germany
  • Fellowship, Orthopedic Surgery (1989-1990)
    Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
  • Residency in Orthopedic Surgery (1984-1986)
    Veteran’s General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • Residency in Surgery (1983-1984)
    Veteran’s General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • Internship (1982-1983)
    Veteran’s General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Doctor of Medicine (1976-1983)
    National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan
Career History:


  • Assistant Professor, Tzu-Chi Medical College, Tzu-Chi University

  • Chief, Department of Education, Buddhist Dalin Tzu-Chi General Hospital

  • Chief, Joint Center, Buddhist Dalin Tzu-Chi General Hospital


       •  Director of International Medical Service Center


  • Vice-superintendent, Buddhist Dalin Tzu-Chi General Hospital


  • Chief, Department of Orthopedics, Chiayi Christian Hospital

  • Chief, Operating Room, Chiayi Christian Hospital


  • Chief, Department of Surgery, Chiayi Christian Hospital

  • Chief, Educational Committee, Chiayi Christian Hospital


  • Chief, Devision of Orthopedics, Chiayi Christian Hospital

  • Chief, Department of EMS, Chiayi Christian Hospital


  • 1. S.R. Lyu, Knee health promotion option for knee osteoarthritis: a preliminary report of a concept of multidisciplinary management, Healthy Ageing Research, 4-34, 2015.
  • 2. S.R. Lyu, D.S. Liu, C.E. Tseng, H.S. Wang and L.K. Chau, Role of medial abrasion phenomenon in the pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis, Medical Hypotheses, 85(2), 207-211, 2015.
  • 3. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Ching-Chih Lee, Chia-Chen Hsu, Medial abrasion syndrome: a neglected cause of knee pain in middle and old age, Medicine, 94(16), e736, 2015.
  • 4. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Wun-Jie Chen, Wen-Hsin Hsieh, Measuring transport properties of cell membranes by a PDMS microfluidic device with controllability over changing rate of extracellular solution. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Available online 22 February 2014
  • 5. . D.S. Liu, Z.W. Zhuang, S.R. Lyu*. Relationship between medial plica and medial femoral condyle—a three-dimensional dynamic finite element model. Clinical Biomechanics.  Volume 28, Issues 9–10, November–December 2013, Pages 1000–1005
  • 6. Chih-Chang Yang, Cheng-Yu Lin, Hwai-Shi Wang, Shaw-Ruey Lyu*, Matrix Metalloproteases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Medial Plica and Pannus-like Tissue Contribute to Knee Osteoarthritis Progression. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79662. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079662.
  • 7. Shaw-Ruey Lyu*, Yi Ching Huang,Chang-Yue Chiang,Cheng-Hen Li,Ting-Chou Chang, Chung-Sheng Chiang, Lai-Kwan Chau*, Kuo-Wei Huang, Chin-Wei Wu, Shau-Chun Wang. Quantification of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Matrix Metalloproteinases-3 in Synovial Fluid by Fiber-Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance Sensor, Analyst. 2013 Aug 21;138(16):4599-606. doi: 10.1039/c3an00276d.
  • 8. Lyu, S. R, Jen-Hung Huang, Wei-Hung Shih, Yung-Jiun Chen, Wen-Hsin Hsieh, Forced-convective vitrification with liquid cryogens, Cryobiology, 66 (2013)318-325
  • 9. Lyu, S. R, Yung-C.K, Hao-F.K, Wen-H.H.,Cryopreserved chondrocytes in porous biomaterials with surface elastin and poly-l-lysine for cartilage regeneration, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 103(2013)304–309
  • 10. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Chia-Chen Hsu and Chih-Wen Lin, Arthroscopic cartilage regeneration facilitating procedure for osteoarthritic knee. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2012, 13:226,  Wei-Ting Hsu, Wen-Hsin Hsieh, Shu-Fang Cheng, Chung-Ping Jen, Chao-ChingWu, Cheng-Han Li, Chia-Yu Lee, Wan-Yun Li, Lai-Kwan Chau, Chang-Yue Chiang, Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Integration of fiber optic-particle plasmon resonance biosensor with microfluidic chip, Analytica Chimica Acta, 697 (2011) 75-82. (SCI)12. Wang, H. S., Kuo, P. Y., Yang, C. C., & Lyu, S. R. (2011). Matrix metalloprotease-3 expression in medial plica and pannus-like tissue in knees from patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis. Histopathology, 2011, 58(4), 593-600. (SCI)
  • 13. Chiang, C. Y., Hsieh, M. L., Huang, K. W., Chau, L. K., Chang, C. M., & Lyu, S. R. (2010). Fiber-optic particle plasmon resonance sensor for detection of interleukin-1β in synovial fluids. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 26(3), 1036-1042. (SCI)
  • 14. 呂紹睿、張淑真、郭士民、馬慈緣、藍正文 : 以高壓電場製備透明質酸 / 第二型膠原蛋白複合微粒最適化條件 台灣醫學 2010;14(3)283-293.
  • 15. Lyu SR, Chiang JK, and Tseng CE, Medial plica in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a histomorphological study, Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA, 2010,18(6):769-76. (SCI)
  • 16. Lyu SR, Wu WT, Hou CC, and Hsieh WH, Study of cryopreservation of articular chondrocytes using the Taguchi method. Cryobiology, 2010, 60(2):165-76. (SCI)
  • 17. Liu, D. S., Tsai, C. Y., & Lyu, S. R. (2009). Determination of temperature-dependent elasto-plastic properties of thin-film by MD nanoindentation simulations and an inverse GA/FEM computational scheme. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 11(2), 147-164. (SCI)
  • 18. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Arthroscopic medial release for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee, J Bone Joint Surg Br, September, 2008, Vol 90-B, issue 9, Pages 1186-1192. (SCI)
  • 19. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Relationship of medial plica and medial femoral condyle during flexion. Clinical Biomechanics, 2007, Volume 22, Issue 9, Pages 1013-1016. (SCI)
  • 20. Wu TJ, Huang HH, Hsu YM, Lyu SR , and Wang YJ, A novel method of encapsulating and cultivating adherent mammalian cells within collagen microcarriers. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 2007, 98(3):578-85. (SCI)
  • 21. Song-Jeng Huanga, Wei-Shin Jua, Shaw-Ruey Lyu (Correspondence) A Wear Study of Diamond-like Carbon Film for Total Hip Arthroplasty Applications. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2006, 26(4): 169-175
  • 22. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Jeh-En Tzeng, Chia-Yuan Kuo, Ai-Ru Jian, De-Shin Liu Mechanical strength of mediopatellar plica-The influence of its fiber content Clinical Biomechanics, Volume 21, Issue 8, October 2006, Pages 860-863 (SCI)
  • 23. Lyu SR, Hsu CC, Medial plicae and degeneration of the medial femoral condyle. Arthroscopy. 2006 Jan;22(1):17-26. (SCI)
  • 24. Wu WT, Lyu SR (Correspondence), Hsieh WH, Cryopreservation and biophysical properties of articular cartilage chondrocytes.Cryobiology. 2005 Dec;51(3):330-8. Epub 2005 Nov 15. (SCI)
  • 25. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Extensile Exposure in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty Using an Osteomyofascial Flap, Techniques in Knee Surgery 3(4): 267-271, 2004.
  • 26. Lyu SR, Use of Wagner cementless self-locking stems for massive bone loss in hip arthroplasty. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2003 Jun;11(1):43-7.
  • 27. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, In-Ho Chen, Acromial Hyperplasia, the Seguel of Deltoid Contracture: A Case Report, Journal of Orthopaedia Surgery  9(2): 53-55, 2001.
  • 28. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Kosuke Ogata et al, Effects of a Cane on Floor Reaction Force and Center of Force During Gait, Clin Orthop  372: 313-319, 2000. (SCI)
  • 29. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Kosuke Ogata et al, How to Use a Cane More Efficiently  - An F-scan Study of Normal Subjects with Emphasis on Conditions of Osteoarthritic Knee -, J Jpn Ortho Assoc.  73 (2) (3), S86, 1999.
  • 30.   Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Closed Division of the Flexor Tendon Sheath for Trigger Finger, J Bone and Joint Surg. 74B: 418-420, 1992. (SCI) 
  • 31.   Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Closed Pulleotomy - A New Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Trigger Finger, Acta Orthop Scand. 63 (Suppl 248), 117, 1992.
  • 32.   Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Snapping Syndrome Caused by Semitendinosus Tendon, J Bone and Joint Surg. 71-A: 303-305, 1989. (SCI)
  •  Book Chapter
    S.R. Lyu, D.S. Liu, C.E. Tseng, H.S. Wang and L.K. Chau (2012). Knee Health Promotion Option for Osteoarthritic Knee: Cartilage Regeneration is Possible, Osteoarthritis - Diagnosis, Treatment and Surgery, ISBN: 978-953-51-0168-0, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/26255.

    Invention: Taiwan Central Patent Agency
    No. 74667: Closed pulleotome


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